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Black Battle Rope 38mm

Black Battle Rope 38mm
15m x 50mm Polyester Battle Rope (Sheath Protected Shown)
15m x 50mm Polyester Battle Rope (Sheath Protected Shown)
Black Battle Rope 38mm

This item is also available in the following categories:

Polyester Battle Rope 15m x 38mm (50ft x 1.5 inch)

New addition to our line-up we now have an alternative to our ever popular manilla battling ropes which we bought to the market many years ago.

This new version is made from non-shedding polyester rope and is available in two forms, either "naked" or protected by an outer nylon sheath.

Being polyester this rope won't soak up and hold water making it more suitable for outdoor use, boot camps, rugby training etc. In it's sheathed version the rope is afforded much greater protection from mud, dirt and stones and a longer life if used in car-parks etc but it makes it unsuitable for activities such as tug-o-war, climbing and rope pulling exercises (post pull-through etc)

Don't mistake this battling rope for seemingly cheaper polyester ropes on the market which are typically sold in 10m lengths (30 feet long) and generally too short to be of significant benefit but giving the impression of being a "better price" which in fact is quite the opposite.

Currently only available as a direct delivery item (mail order)

  • Rope weight is 20Kg per 15m length or 1.33Kg per metre


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