Vitamin C conspiracy
The Great Vitamin-C Conspiracy!
Got a cold take vitamin C Right?
WRONG completely wrong in fact this is the worst advice we've been hoodwinked into believeing!
We've been told for many generations/decades that you should take Vitamin-C to ward off and fight colds and 'flu but the truth gives a very different story. In the following few paragraphs I'll provide evidencial opinion from 4+ years of personal experience and give enough pointers for anyone that's not particularly biologically versed to be able to dig around and make their own mind up.
Benefits of Vitamin-C
There's no denying the benefits of Vitamin-C and I've a big fan of it in high (multi-gram) doses for anyone doing hard physical exercise especially weight lifting, I believe it to be an essential supplement and am quite happy taking 3 to 5 grams or more a day split into 1000mg doses althogh building up to high doses needs to be done pregressively or you'll be running to the toilet alot! It definately has very significant and potent health benefits so as a supplement in it's own right it's right up there at the top of the list BUT the issue comes when sickness takes hold. Notably viral infection e.g. colds and flu which seem to be the ones we've been most conditioned to believe Vitamin-C to be effective against. This is VERY important and you need to decide whether or not it registers with your own intuition rather than blindly trusting that which we've all been led to believe for so long. Fortunately I'm not a biologist so my laymens terms and simplistic approach should make the following very easy going. Enjoy and pass it on, share and share a "like" ;)
The Vitamin C-onspiracy
Healthy days, hard training days and injury days are when to take VITAMIN-C but contrary to popuar belief I'd suggest vitamin-C is the first thing to be avoided at all costs when viral/pathegenic infection strikes! First sign of a sniffle or sore throat and C be gone.
The reaosn for this aparently radical advice is based on proper science and biology, not the whim of a mad-man but personal research, investigation and experience.
It's all to do with how our white blood cells kill off foreign bodies. They make/release a chemical with a regular sounding name, Hypochlorus Acid. This is our bodies extremely potent chemical used to eradicate pathogens and microbes.
Without getting too biological Hypochlorus acid is a very potent OXIDANT. The electrons that hold a substance together are pulled off by the oxidizing chemical and thus the substance then comes apart, which of course, destroys it. "the substance" being the invading pathogen/virus etc.
So, my point is this. Our defense system is our white blood cells. These cells target foreign bodies and once at the site of infection they produce..... yes, the OXIDANT Hypochlorus acid.
This is where a little bit of chemistry comes into play. Not all oxidants are equal. The electrical charge of the electron on hypochlorus acid is the lowest in the human body. As such, it can't cause any damage to any other cell in the body so presents NO requirement to be "mopped up" as is the phrase used for marketing ANTI-Oxidants.
Is the pictuer becoming clearer?
While your white blood cells are attempting to produce abundant HYPOCHLORUS ACID to kill of the flu bug, we're busy knocking back 'flu/cold remedies with hot water and doses of vitamin C which instantly renders the oxident
But wait.... all of a sudden we start gobbling down vitamin-c, medicated drinks, tablets, fruit juices etc. and yes, you guessed it, the vitamin-c is an ANTI-OXIDANT i.e. it neutralises the potent oxidant being produced by our white blood cells.
My own experiences of boosting levels of hydrochlorus acid by taking calcium hypochlorite (encapsulated) with plenty of water kills of coughs, colds and influenza in less than 24 hours!
So, which to believe? The scaremongering of the "experts" that say MMS2 (a name for a protocol for which the ingredients are abundantly available and so cheap that for the price of a pint you can have a years supply) OR nature it's self that "created" the most potent disinfectant and weapon of biological germ warfare used by our immune system for as long as we as a species have existed?
Just saying ! Research of this kind of thing is so simple there's NO excuse not to spend a few hours digging around for your own answers.