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Olympic Super-Slim Dumbell Collars (pr)

Olympic Super-Slim Dumbell Collars (pr)
Pair of Olympic Super-Slim Dumbell Collars. Allen key also supplied.
Olympic Super-Slim Dumbell Collars (pr)
Super-Slim Dumbell Collars shown in use on a fully loaded Heavy-Duty Olympic Dumbell handle. Weights and dumbell handle sold separately.
Olympic Super-Slim Dumbell Collars (pr)
18" long Heavy-Duty Olympic Dumbell shown with weights and Super-Slim Dumbell Collar. Dumbell Handle and weights sold separately.
Olympic Super-Slim Dumbell Collars (pr)
Pete demonstrating the Super-Slim Dumbell Collars when used with our Heavy-Duty Olympic Dumbells.
Pair of Olympic Super-Slim Dumbell Collars. Allen key also supplied.
Olympic Super-Slim Dumbell Collars (pr)

This item is also available in the following categories:

Olympic Super-Slim Dumbell Collars (pair)

For use with most olympic bars and particularly our Heavy-Duty Dumbells and Thick Grip Dumbells, we highly recommend Bulldog Clamps, however, as the Bulldog Clamps are 2.5" wide (each) it limits the room for loading on each dumbell. Therefore, for those wanting to increase the weight on their olympic dumbell, we now offer these Super-Slim Dumbell Collars.

Personally (Matt writing), I would prefer to use the more efficient Bulldog Clamps.

Olympic Super-Slim Collars are suitable for use with our Heady-Duty Olympic Dumbells and Thick Grip Olympic Dumbells only. Olympic Dumbells sold separately.


Made in England for GymRatZ by Watson Gym Equipment since 1999.

Page Copyright GymRatZ Commercial Gym Equipment Fitness & Bodybuilding Supplements 1999-2020

Olympic Bulldog Clamps (pair)

Olympic Bulldog Clamps (pair)

Ideal for heavy lifts, commercial gyms, or for use with 'special bars', such as the GymRatZ Olympic Trap Bar, our Fat Bars and Poliquin bars. The aluminium Olympic Bulldog Clamps are without doubt the best and nicest collars we sell.

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Olympic Spring Collars (pair)

Olympic Spring Collars (pair)

Rapid fit and removal. Olympic Spring Collars are extremely safe and secure. Made of the highest quality spring steel possible, these collars allow super-fast weight plate changes. Perfect fit on all sizes of Olympic Bars and Dumbell handles.

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