Standard Barbell Pad
DISCONTINUED. Do yourself a BIG, BIG favour and purchase the Manta Ray squat aid. CLICK HERE to read more.

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Standard Barbell Pad
Thick foam padding to cushion the bar's weight to help avoid upper back discomfort. In truth, if you're lifting enough weight that you need to pad the bar to avoid discomfort, a cushion will not prove a long term solution. Instead, you should review the Manta Ray Squat device! The MantaRay serves to distribute the bar's weight across your upper traps (whether well developed or not), rather than simply providing a cushion, plus, unlike a barbell pad, the Manta Ray will last a lifetime.
Read our review on the Manta Ray Squat Device
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Manta Ray Squat PadThe one and only ORIGINAL Manta Ray barbell squat pad. The most revolutionary weight training squat device ever invented! (Not the dangerous e-bay fake being sold under brand-name "Gunsmith Fitness") |
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